@dmeneses Can you look at the logs or tell me how I can do it myself?
I’d really like to get this running ASAP, seems like such a good thing to have on PR’s
Could you please send me the command line used to scan the PR and the logs of the scanner?
Feel free to mask things and send it as a private message if it contains sensitive information.
I’m using a SonarCloud trial to set up a PoC to demo pull request decoration to my fellow devs & management. I’ve been following the documentation of the SonarCloud VSTS lab (https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/labs/devops/sonarcloudlab/index) and, while sonarcloud analyses my branch and finds (expected) issues, these issues are not decorated in my PR as in the original post.
I’ve already tried creating a new token, but this doesn’t resolve the issue for me. What can I do to troubleshoot this connection?