_pod.tpl file, if for extension are be delete from v10.7.0

Hello Community,
i tried to update my SonarQube to the latest 10.8.0.

So i see in the _pod.tpl file, at line
346 for 10.8.0
318 for 10.7.0
the if are not present.

In the version 10.6.1+3163, lines 320 to 328, i have:

        {{- if .Values.persistence.enabled }}
        - mountPath: {{ .Values.sonarqubeFolder }}/extensions
          name: sonarqube
          subPath: extensions
        {{- else if .Values.plugins.install }}
        - mountPath: {{ .Values.sonarqubeFolder }}/extensions/plugins
          name: sonarqube
          subPath: extensions/plugins
        {{- end }}

can you confirm it’s normal this are removed, if yes, do you have some documentation to set in place the new way.
