Plugins that are not compatible with sonarqube 8.9.2-developer

Must-share information (formatted with Markdown):

  • 8.4.1-developer
  • upgrade to 8.9.2-developer
  • upgraded but keeps failing due to unsupported plugins

I’m trying to upgrade and keep running into unsupported plugins. I am trying to consult this matrix

However its impossible as I need to scroll all the way across to see the plugins supported by 8.9 and then it stops showing the display of the name of the plugin

For example if i want to see if Cobertura is compatible with 8.9 I have to scroll all the way to the bottom to scroll across and then I scroll the page up and I cant see the column with the plugin names any longer. Is there anywhere where its presented properly?


Welcome to the community!

It’s not clear to me whether you’re trying to migrate to 8.4.1 or from 8.4.1, so I’ll start with my standard “upgrade” boilerplate:

First, your version is past EOL. You should upgrade to either the latest version or the current LTS at your earliest convenience. Your upgrade path is:

8.4.1 → 8.9.2 → 9.0.1 (last step optional)

Regarding your actual question, yes the presentation of the Plugin Version Matrix creates a vacuum. Hard. Internally we agree with you and have for quite some time. And yet fixing it is never a development priority (unfortunately it actually will require development) and so we all scroll. A lot. We do hope to get to that this year, but I can’t give you a date. And even if we do, that doesn’t help you today.

Fortunately, that data is presented in an iframe. Which means you can go straight to the source: Compatibility matrix
