"PATH" Is present in coverage report but cannot be found in filesystem

Must-share information (formatted with Markdown):

  • which versions are you using (SonarQube, Scanner, Plugin, and any relevant extension)

    I’m using sonar-scanner-
    I’m using the SonarQube in my local machine with docker

  • what are you trying to achieve

sonar-scanner \                                         
  -Dsonar.projectKey=manual-minestore-minestore \
  -Dsonar.sources=. \
  -Dsonar.host.url=http://localhost:9000 \

My project use, SimpleCov to Ruby
I’m receive this logs:

INFO: Sensor SimpleCov Sensor for Ruby coverage [ruby]

WARN: Importing SimpleCov resultset JSON will not be supported from simplecov 18.0. Consider using the JSON formatter, available from SimpleCov 20.0

WARN: File '/minestore/app/models/custom_shipping_option.rb' is present in coverage report but cannot be found in filesystem

WARN: File '/minestore/app/models/discount.rb' is present in coverage report but cannot be found in filesystem

WARN: File '/minestore/spec/lib/braspag/subordinate_spec.rb' is present in coverage report but cannot be found in filesystem

WARN: File '/minestore/spec/controllers/braspag_controller_spec.rb' is present in coverage report but cannot be found in filesystem

WARN: File '/minestore/spec/concerns/shippable_shared.rb' is present in coverage report but cannot be found in filesystem
  • what have you tried so far to achieve this

    But my files are in my filesystem, this not is a problem with repositories because I’m running SonarQube as localhost.

    How to solve it?


Welcome to the community!

This is a path from box root. If the leading / were dropped, then it would be a relative path inside your project.

I’m not sure how those leading '/'s got there (is there some configuration you can tweak in your coverage engine?), but if you drop them this will probably work.


Hello, @ganncamp I was getting the same error as above and I tried to remove the leading / but didn’t work for me. Getting the same error:
WARN: File 'FILE/PATH' is present in coverage report but cannot be found in filesystem

Can you please help us to resolve this?

Hi @skrbp

Please create a new thread that includes the details of your situation.


Here it is.