Old issue types, custom severities undeprecated in 10.8

In SonarQube 10.2 we introduced changes to how issues are classified, including the removal of customized rule/issue severities. After discussions with you, our users, we’ve decided to change direction. Starting in 10.8, we will undeprecate the ability to customize rule severities, allowing you to continue using the concepts and workflows you are familiar with (e.g. bug, vulnerability, code smell) from earlier versions of SonarQube.

If you’ve adopted the new classifications and severities from 10.2 and later releases, they won’t be removed and you can continue using them. We will also add the ability to customize these new severities.

Both approaches for classifying issue types and assigning issue severity will be available going forward and you can determine which is more suitable for your business. Please stay tuned for more details in early December alongside the 10.8 SonarQube release.


Hi Ann,

if i understand this correctly

this means there will be 5 severities =
Blocker, High, Medium, Low, Info

alternatively to the current
High, Medium, Low

replacing the former
Critical, Blocker, Major, Minor, Info

in the future starting with Sonarqube 10.8 ?


Hi Gilbert,

Both the old and the new workflows will be available:

Bugs, Vulerabilities & Code Smells with Blocker, Critical, Major, Minor, Info


Consistency, Intentionality, Adaptability, Responsibility with Bocker, High, Medium, Low, Info.


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Hi Ann,

those news made my day :slight_smile:


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Hi Ann,

great news :slight_smile:
Will it also still be possible to use the old Severities like Blocker, Critical, etc in the Quality Gate? E.g. check with QG that there are no Blocker and Critical issues.



Yes, you will continue to be able to set a quality gate to confirm you have no issues of a particular severity.

Hi John,
Any ETA for 10.8 ?

We are aiming to have 10.8 out this quarter.

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will this also fix the java exception that is thrown from sonar-scanner, when the generic issues file contains a severity for an issue?

Hi @andi,

Could you create a new thread for that with all the details?


In addition to this update, those interested can read this update from Sonar’s Head of Product Management.

Great News, I wish if you bring the same theme option as 9.9 in next LTS version.

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