Not getting coverage in sonarcloud

  • ALM used (Bitbucket Cloud)
  • CI system used (Bitbucket Cloud)
  • Scanner command used when applicable (sonar scanner and sonar quality gate pipes for bitbucket.)
  • Languages of the repository (NodeJs)

Getting following warning during Sonar scanner pipe,
WARN: locking FileBasedConfig[/root/.config/jgit/config] failed after 5 retries
However, the pipeline proceeds. The quality gate pipe is passed.
In the sonar cloud project, in place of coverage, duplication getting “–”.
There are no details for the rest of the parameters too and still, the quality gate is passed.
If I click on the Code section in the sonar project, there is nothing.

NOTE: The coverage and duplications are on the Overall code.

Thank you.

Hi @pritij

Would it be possible to share the log of the analysis task please ?

Thank you.

Hello @mickaelcaro,

It is a private project, I can share the logs in email if that works.