Not able to connect to Sonarqube from SonarLint6.2 eclipse IDE with IBM jdk1.8

We need help as we trying to connect from SonarLint6.2 to SonarQube from Eclipse development tool. When we use IBM JDK 1.8 getting exceptions as below, so wondering issue might be the Java version we use? OR what exact version of IBM java we need to use to successfully connect?


Welcome to the community!

Yes, you’ll need to upgrade to at least Java 11.


Hi again,

Actually, what version of SonarQube are you trying to connect to?

SonarLint 6.2 should work with Java 8. But when you connect to SonarQube or SonarCloud, then you’re dealing with its requirements too. And recent versions of SonarQube require Java 11 or 17.


We re trying to connect to SonarQube 8.9.7 from SonarLint6.2 plugin from eclipse IDE.


Yeah, SonarQube 8.9.7 requires Java 11.

BTW, you realize you’re several versions behind on SonarLint, right? The current version is 7.4.


Thank You Ann, For your quick response.

Let us try as you suggested and get back to you.

Hello Ann,

Which older version of SonarQube and SonarLint will work with IBM JDK 8 ? Bcas our projects run on IBM JDK 8.

Please let us know.



No current, supported versions of SonarQube run on Java 8. But I think it’s worth pointing out that you can compile to a different version that you code / build / analyze with.
