Node.js required on every build agent - even if no JS in analysis

Thanks Ann. I fixed the issues from my original post but now am encountering a different problem, which is that SoanrQube expects nodejs to be installed on every Jenkins build agent even if we are not scanning for javascript.

The message is:

ERROR: Error when running: ‘node -v’. Is Node.js available during analysis?
08:14:27 org.sonarsource.nodejs.NodeCommandException: Error when running: ‘node -v’. Is Node.js available during analysis?

We are using the following plug ins:

Hi @jjtenn,
In addition to JavaScript, Node.js is also required for TypeScript and CSS files. Maybe you’re analyzing any of those source files?

Thanks for the answer Andrea. Just out of curiosity, we did not have this issue with v5.6. Did this requirement come in between 5.6 and 6.7?

Thanks again.

It’s very strange. We have installed nodejs on each of our build agents. However, the same jobs might run find on one server but still give us this error:

14:31:51 ERROR: Error when running: ‘node -v’. Is Node.js available during analysis? 14:31:51 org.sonarsource.nodejs.NodeCommandException: Error when running: ‘node -v’. Is Node.js available during analysis?

node is installed, as I can validate by:
javab427@servername:/opt/javab427 > node -v
javab427@servername:/opt/javab427 > which node

Also, though we might have the TypeScript and CSS plugins installed, these jobs are not scanning for those so I don’t know why they’d be looking for nodejs.

Can you provide full logs to understand which sensor reports that?
Also could you confirm that analysis is successful at the end?

This is resolved. Someone else explained that a couple of plugins we were using now required nodejs. Thank you for following up though.