Could I have some news about this problem Make it possible for PR's from forks to run the SonarCloud scan · Issue #234 · Altinn/app-frontend-react · GitHub ?
Currently, in my open-source project (GitHub - green-code-initiative/creedengo-rules-specifications: Reduce the environmental footprint of your software programs with SonarQube), I have some forks which want to merge some commits into my original project. But, when a PR from one fork is created on my original project, we have an error when trying to communicate with SonarCloud (like original project branches already do) :
“Error: Failed to execute goal org.sonarsource.scanner.maven:sonar-maven-plugin: (default-cli) on project creedengo-rules-specifications: Error status returned by url [https://api.sonarcloud.io/analysis/jres?os=linux&arch=x86_64]: 401 → [Help 1]”
example : test ddc - egry35 · green-code-initiative/creedengo-rules-specifications@6370659 · GitHub
As I see in issue Make it possible for PR's from forks to run the SonarCloud scan · Issue #234 · Altinn/app-frontend-react · GitHub, it seems to be a problem already known.
But if no solution is possible, how can I check if a PR created from a fork is Ok for SonarCloud to accept it ? (quality gate, issues, …)
Thank you for answer.
Best regards.