I’m trying to run code analysis on pull requests from forked repository using GitHub Actions. I have configured the SONAR_TOKEN as a GitHub repository secret and configured the workflow as mentioned in the instructions. However, when the workflow is triggered for the PR, I’m seeing below error.
Error: Failed to execute goal org.sonarsource.scanner.maven:sonar-maven-plugin: (default-cli) on project charon-parent: You're not authorized to run analysis. Please contact the project administrator.
When I’m going through the logs, I can see below log lines.
Thank you for your response. After creating the thread I found this thread and found this roadmap item. Do you have any plan on when this will be added to SonarCloud?
Currently on open source projects, it’s not possible to analyze external pull requests (sent by contributors outside of the core development team).
Can you explain a little bit about this? Is there any way to run the analysis for PRs from forks at least from members of the organization? Or with a pain SonarCloud account?