No Badge image preview on privately managed Gitlab

Hello. We have set up our SonarQube and SonarScanner on our privately managed Gitlab server. Our VM IP address is

On the same VM machine that our Gitlab server runs, we also have SonarQube instance and Sonar-scanner docker image.

Everything seems to work fun and I have managed to analyze the project without any issues.

The SonarQube generated the following URL for the Sonar Status badge:{PROJECT_NAME}&metric=alert_status&token={TOKEN}

Note: I have replaced my actual project name with PROJECt_NAME and token with TOKEN just for security reasions.

When I go to my Gitlab and type in the following Badge Image URL, it shows up as No badge image in the preview:

I have also tried to replace the IP with the localhost:

If I just simply type this URL in the web browser, I can see the badge just fine:

I would appreciate any feedback on how to get the badge to show up properly on my Gitlab repository. What could be an issue?

Hey there.

I tried it out with GitLab + a local SonarQube Server and it’s working just fine for me.

If you open up your browser’s dev tools at this point:

Do you see any specific errors?

Thanks for suggesting to check the dev tools.

It prints an error:
This request has been blocked; the content must be served over HTTPS.

if I add https, I get error:

Is that an issue from our gitlab server? I assume thats something you will not be able to help us with? Is there any way to setup this to work with https?

I thought it might be something like that.

I’m not sure if that’s coming from your browser or GitLab itself. In any case, serving your SonarQube server over HTTPS is a good practice. We do offer some documentation to get you started – but you should use whatever is most commonly used in your org (Nginx, Apache, IIS…)