[NEW RELEASE] Sonargraph Plugin 4.1.1


I have just released a new version of the Sonargraph plugin.

Description: This release makes the Sonargraph plugin compatible with SonarQube 8.1
Sonarqube compatibility: 6.7.6, 8.*
Download URL: https://github.com/sonargraph/sonar-sonargraph-integration/releases/download/Release-4.1.1/sonar-sonargraph-integration-4.1.1.jar
Release notes: https://github.com/sonargraph/sonar-sonargraph-integration/releases/download/Release-4.1.1/release-notes.txt
SonarCloud dashboard: https://sonarcloud.io/dashboard?id=com.hello2morrow%3Asonar-sonargraph-integration
Pull request for marketplace: https://github.com/SonarSource/sonar-update-center-properties/pull/84

Can you please do the necessary steps to make it accessible?
Many thanks and best regards,


Hi Ingmar,

I’ve requested a change to the PR.


Hi Ann,

I updated the pull request.
Are the security settings of the computing engine available somewhere? Changes to these settings caused me to refactor the plugin for the support of SQ8 and newer. (Access denied ("java.lang.RuntimePermission" "getClassLoader") for Plugin in Computing Engine of SQ 8.0 and SQ 8.1)
I noticed that the plugin version on the market place is pretty outdated (http://www.sonarplugins.com/sonargraphintegration) and does not match the previous version contained in the sonargraphintegration.properties file (4.0.0). Am I looking at the correct marketplace URL? What is the update cycle of this web page?


Hi Ingmar,

Theoretically API changes are documented here. At the moment, we’re a bit behind on that but 8.2 should see us caught up, and we plan to keep on it after that.

I wouldn’t call that “the marke place”. We have nothing to do with that site, so I can’t really help you with it.


P.S. I’ve asked one more question on the PR.

Marketplace updated
