[New Release] Sonargraph Plugin 4.0.0


I have just released a new version of the Sonargraph plugin.

Description: This release makes the plugin executable with SonarQube 7.9.1. The officially supported plugin API version is 6.7.6. This plugin version is compatible with Sonargraph 9.12.0.

Sonarqube compatibility: 6.7.6, 7.9+
Download URL: https://github.com/sonargraph/sonar-sonargraph-integration/releases/download/Release-4.0.0_with_releasenotes/sonar-sonargraph-integration-4.0.0.jar
Release notes: https://github.com/sonargraph/sonar-sonargraph-integration/releases/download/Release-4.0.0_with_releasenotes/release-notes.txt
SonarCloud dashboard: https://sonarcloud.io/dashboard?id=com.hello2morrow%3Asonar-sonargraph-integration
Pull request for marketplace: https://github.com/SonarSource/sonar-update-center-properties/pull/45

Can you please do the necessary steps to make it accessible?
Many thanks and best regards,


Hi Ingmar,

I’ve requested a change on your PR.


Hi Ann,

sorry for the late reply. I have never needed to update a pull request before, so I hope I got it right by just committing the changes to the already forked repo.


Hi Ingmar,

You did fine. Merged & Marketplace updated.
