[NEW RELEASE] Sonar Java Plugin for Internationalization (I18n) Checks

Dear SonarQube,

VMware is sharing a SonarQube plugin that finds key software internationalization issues in Java code. Those developing software that must work around the world should find this plugin useful – whether they are developing software for English or any other human language.

Please see: https://github.com/edwinyangzh/sonar-java-i18n-checks

We would like to add this plugin to the SonarQube Marketplace and would be grateful for your evaluation and approval.

Thank you,

VMware Globalization Team members Craig Cummings, Edwin Yang, and Lucy Shang

Hi all,

(Can I call you VM for short? :laughing:)

I’ve run through a quick test and have a little feedback: nicely done! :smiley:

In stepping through the Marketplace checklist, I’m at #7: analyzed on SonarCloud with a passing QG. Can you point me in the right direction?


P.S. All the subsequent steps look fine, so after this we’ll be good to go!


Thanks for the quick response. I realize there is a release of SonarQube coming up and that everyone is likely quite busy. We appreciate the time.

Hopefully, you can get to this link where you can see our plugin showing that it passes the QG:
This is the link: https://sonarcloud.io/dashboard?id=edwinyangzh_sonar-java-i18n-checks
(we could put this in the README if you recommend)

Please let us know if anything else might be needed for approval.

Thanks again,

Craig, Edwin, and Lucy
P.S. How about VMW-I18n instead of just VM? VMW is a big company and has lots of different teams (with hopefully some others that might also contribute to SonarQube).

Hi Craig, Edwin & Lucy,

Can I safely assume that you’ve set up continuous inspection on this project so that it’ll be re-analyzed after each commit? (hint, hint…) I believe you can do that for free with at least https://travis-ci.org/ for FOSS projects.

Now I need you to provide a PR on https://github.com/SonarSource/sonar-update-center-properties. The files in this PR will actually add your plugin to the Marketplace (once I approve/merge and run the correct job).
Directions here: https://docs.sonarqube.org/display/DEV/Deploying+to+the+Marketplace#DeployingtotheMarketplace-Howtofillinthesonar-update-center-propertiesfiles

I know intimately how confusing this part can be so don’t hesitate to ask questions.

And yes, I know I said we’d be good to go once you were analyzed on SonarCloud. TBH, I forgot that you’d need to provide this PR too. :-/



We have created a .properties file for our plugin and posted the PR:

I hope I got the maven properties right. Suggestions welcome. Also, should be bump our version number (currently 0.1.0) to something higher like 0.5 or 1.0?

We are looking into Travis with the intent of setting up CI. If we should look at any other tools to facilitate this let us.

Hope this gets us pretty close. Please let us know if this works and/or what else might be needed.

Thanks again,

Craig, Edwin, and Lucy

Congrats folks! You got it right the first time.

You’re in!



See the properties file included now.

Is this the best place to point people to the plugin when it becomes available?

If not, please let me know what that might be.



Hi Craig,

I don’t understand the question. The best place to point people for data on your plugin is always going to be your plugin homepage. Other than that, you can tell them to check the Marketplace page in their instances.



A separate question: is there a way to see/track how many downloads the Java i18n plugin has had?

Haven’t had much feedback otherwise. It’d be good to at least know that some folks might have found some use.


Hi Craig,

As far as I know, we don’t have any way to track that on our side. Maybe your artifact host can provide this?


Thanks Ann. Will check that out.

Looks like the Plugin did not work with SQ 8.9.
We had to disable the Plugin after update 8.8 to 8.9. The analysis was broken.

Hi @Janpopan,

Thanks for this notification. I’ve updated the Marketplace.
