[NEW RELEASE] guava-helper-for-java-8 1.2.0

I want to release guava-helper-for-java-8 that works with the findbugs plugin.
It helps developers to verify the usage of Guava, and is compatible with the latest LTS v7.9.

GitHub repo: https://github.com/KengoTODA/guava-helper-for-java-8
SonarCloud: https://sonarcloud.io/dashboard?id=jp.skypencil.guava%3Aguava-helper-for-java-8
PR to add properties file: https://github.com/SonarSource/sonar-update-center-properties/pull/189/

Please check them later. Thanks in advance!


I’m not ignoring this or your other new plugin request. It’s just been a Monday of a month so far. :smile:

These are both on my list, but I can’t give you any promises on timeline.



FYI, not forgotten. This open tab taunts me every day.


Still not forgotten. I should be able to spend some time on this soon.



Now that I’m actually looking at this, I see that you’re saying this is a revival of a “disappeared” plugin. In fact, I guess this is the old/original version?

guavamigration wasn’t actually (entirely) removed from the Marketplace. It looks like it just dropped out of the Plugin Version Matrix because there are no plugin versions compatible with current SonarQube versions.

Rather than making both of us jump through the hoops of adding a new plugin… surely you want to just issue a PR for your existing plugin entry? BTW, its entry did get dropped from this list, so you’ll want to make sure your PR includes reinstating it.

With deep apologies for my inexcusable lateness,

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