[NEW RELEASE] findbugs-slf4j 1.5.0

I want to release findbugs-slf4j that works with the findbugs plugin.
It helps developers to verify the usage of SLF4J, and is compatible with the latest LTS v7.9.

GitHub repo: https://github.com/KengoTODA/guava-helper-for-java-8
SonarCloud: https://sonarcloud.io/dashboard?id=jp.skypencil.findbugs.slf4j%3Afindbugs-slf4j
PR to add properties file: https://github.com/SonarSource/sonar-update-center-properties/pull/188/

Please check them later. Thanks in advance!


FYI, not forgotten. This open tab taunts me every day.


Still not forgotten. I should be able to spend some time on this soon.


Still not forgotten. I promise. :flushed:

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Okay, I’ve finally made some time to look at this. Again, sincere apologies for the unacceptable delay.

First, I’m assuming I should actually be looking at GitHub - KengoTODA/findbugs-slf4j: A SpotBugs/FindBugs plugin to verify usage of SLF4J rather than the Guava helper (right?).

Before testing, I see problems with these requirements:

  • “composed only of [a-z0-9]”. The dashes here help describe the ranges, they’re not actually acceptable characters. Your plugin key is findbugs-slf4j
  • “Binaries of each version are accessible somewhere”. I can’t find them to download (which is why I haven’t tested yet).

There are also also problems with your PR. First, you need to not just add the file for your plugin, you need to also register your plugin in the list in sonar-update-center-properties. Second, you should remove the 1.4.2 version. It makes no sense to publish a version straight to archived status.

Other than those things, the bureaucratic requirements look fine.


P.S. I’ve blocked out this afternoon & tomorrow afternoon for looking at new plugins… :smiley:

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Thanks ganncamp for your reply!
I will handle the first problem and the PR enhancement later.

“Binaries of each version are accessible somewhere”. I can’t find them to download (which is why I haven’t tested yet).

As described in the diff, we can download it from Maven Central:


Is it not enough? Then I’ll attach the file to GitHub Releases manually.


So I’ve downloaded & installed this, and… I’m not seeing anything in SonarQube. And I’m not seeing it as an installed plugin.

I guess this has a dependency on the FindBugs plugin? If so, we have a problem. I make a practice of testing against LATEST and we marked FindBugs incompatible with 9.0 earlier this week because of a startup failure. 9.0 dropped a lot of deprecated APIs and I guess FindBugs fell victim to that.

So I’m going to set this aside until after FindBugs is restored. Can you remind me in this thread once you’ve re-released FindBugs?

(Also, why not just add these rules to the FB plugin?)


So I’m going to set this aside until after FindBugs is restored

There is an issue to discuss about: ClassNotFoundException with sonarqube 9
I hope it’ll be resolved soon… so please help us to release v4.0.4 later :slight_smile:

(Also, why not just add these rules to the FB plugin?)

Because I made this findbugs-slf4j project before I became to a teammate of the SpotBugs team.

Also, I personally believe that it’s nice to keep a way to make spotbugs plugin runnable on the SonarQube and want to keep the findbugs-slf4j SonarQube plugin independent even after I joined to the SpotBugs team.