[NEW PLUGIN] Stryker.NET Mutation Analysis - Requesting inclusion in SonarQube Marketplace


We would like to request addition of the sonar-stryker-net-plugin to the SonarQube Marketplace.

Description: Analyzes Stryker .NET mutation testing reports and allows to view these results in SonarQube
Home page url: https://github.com/Trendyol/sonar-stryker-net-plugin
key: sonar-stryker-net-plugin
SonarCloud url: https://sonarcloud.io/dashboard?id=Trendyol_sonar-stryker-net-plugin
Issue Tracking: https://github.com/Trendyol/sonar-stryker-net-plugin/issues
Plugin Binary URL: https://github.com/Trendyol/sonar-stryker-net-plugin/releases

In Trendyol, we’re using SonarQube with 50+ teams and I believe this plugin will help tracking mutation testing reports much more efficiently in SonarQube.

Thank you


There’s a line, but you’re on my list for testing now. No guarantees when I’ll be able to get to it tho. :frowning_face:



Congrats on your plugin. I should have started with that the first time. :smiley:

I’ve started looking at this and even before testing I’m seeing a couple of things:

  • You’ve listed your plugin key as sonar-stryker-net-plugin. I think that’s probably actually the Maven project key. Out of that the packaging will have extracted a plugin key of stryker-net. Unfortunately that key doesn’t meet the requirements in that it contains a disallowed character (the dash). Maybe you can change it to strykernet? The tooling chokes on disallowed characters, so this has to be addressed.

  • I don’t see any kind of release notes for your first release. Even a minimal “initial release” notice. Having release notes for each version is a requirement. Maybe you could update your tag?

  • I need you to create the PR to register the plugin in the Marketplace. You’ll find the directions on this (yes very long, I know) page.

Beyond that, could you provide me with a project to test against that already has in it the Stryker reports ready to import?


Hi @mustafayumurtaci, @ganncamp ,

are there any news about Stryker.NET plugin for SonarQube? We would like to integrate the mutation reports in SonarQube :slight_smile:


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