I think the best thing to do here long-term is to transfer that repo to your ownership. Then you’ll be able to set it up in SonarCloud and we can go from there. Before I kick that off on our side, are you good with transferring ownership to the xuhuisheng GitHub account?
In the meantime, I’ve updated the Marketplace for this version; I know that these l10n updates are all strings & no code. (I.e. you pass on the honor system this time )
Hi, Ann,
I forked sonar-l10n-zh to personal namespace, and I can import it to sonarcloud. I think it ok to transfer the project to me.
I had a question if we transfer sonar-l10n-zh from SonarQubeCommunity to xuhuisheng, do I have to change the update-center’s urls first?
There are two plans.
First, I just forked the project, and imported it to sonarcloud, We could see new version on sonarcloud on the forked project. The lack is forked project couldnot copy the release informations.
Second , transfer the project to my personal namespace, Maybe I should update urls in update-centers, and create a new pulll request.
It looks like you’re mostly done except for getting your coverage imported. Your homepage shows 1 unit test but 0 coverage. I believe SonarCloud has some wizards or documentation to help you out with that. If it’s not enough, please open a new thread in the SonarCloud category.
Release procedure is the same, and yes please do include the SonarCloud URL in your next release announcement.
I’ve just double-checked and the URLs in the update center file still work because GitHub redirects, but it would probably be good to double-check them and/or adjust.
You may also want/need to update your pom. I’d just double-check to see what URLs are in there.