Security link = https://SONAR_URL/project/issues?issueStatuses=OPEN%2CCONFIRMED&impactSoftwareQualities=SECURITY&id=PROJECT_ID
Reliability link = https://SONAR_URL/project/issues?issueStatuses=OPEN%2CCONFIRMED&impactSoftwareQualities=RELIABILITY&id=PROJECT_ID
Maintainability link = https://SONAR_URL/project/issues?issueStatuses=OPEN%2CCONFIRMED&impactSoftwareQualities=MAINTAINABILITY&id=PROJECT_ID
The thing is that when you have the list of issues in the main branch and that you select another branch in the branch selector, you go back to the project home page.
Thus, to have the list of Security issues in a given branch, you would have to:
We’re not available for synchronus stuff. We have fixed a couple problems already related to web context, which is why I asked if you’re using one.
By default, SonarQube is served at http://localhost:9000, but you can change the port by setting sonar.web.port in the file, and you can add a path (e.g. http://localhost:9000/sonarqube) by setting sonar.web.context.