.NET 5 Razor Component Library - no metrics

Just tested SonarScanner 5.3.1 (global tool) with .NET 5 Razor Component Library and Blazor Projects. Unfortunately I still can’t see any Lines of Code or Issues in .cs files.

Hi @dhaas

Welcome to the community! I moved your reply to a new topic (as per instructions in FAQ - SonarSource Community)

Could you please share your debug logs with us - for all three steps of the analysis (Begin, build and End)?

  • SonarScanner.MSBuild.exe begin /k:“MyProject” /d:sonar.verbose=true
  • msbuild /v:d

Thank you

Hi @Andrei_Epure,

it had nothing to do with the type of my projects. My projects were recognized as test-projects. That was the problem.

I found this line in my logs:
INFO: Found 4 MSBuild C# projects: 1 MAIN project. 3 TEST projects.

I added this to my *.csproj files:


Now it works.

Found the solution here:
Problem with C# project analysis - Get help / SonarCloud - SonarSource Community


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