I would like to have analyzed project which is build from multiple repositories from git SCM.
I Do not think they can be analyzed separately, as they have cross dependencies (there are lots of osgi bundles). We are running maven build with tycho, with pomless extension. When I tried run on already compiled solution, I got no result as source folders has been missing (because tycho build has not been executed)
Is there a way to enable analyzes of multiple repositories also reflecting new code changes?
Generally it’s going to be an analysis / project per SCM repo. On the other hand, it’s also, generally, one analysis per build.
If the two build together, I do wonder why they don’t live together in the same repo, but I’m sure you have defensible reasons. Nonetheless, you’re going to struggle with this since analysis depends on SCM data for recognizing new code and issue assignment. I don’t anticipate it going well if you have two sets of SCM metadata available to analysis. With no SCM metadata, well… you’ll miss some features, but it would work.
That said…
I’m not familiar with Tycho, but no source does mean no analysis.