MSBuild failed to load projects

Please provide

  • Operating system: Windows 10 Pro 19044.1766
  • SonarLint plugin version:
  • Is connected mode used: SonarCloud

One of my collegue tried to use SonarLint and the analysis keeps returning no result. We have a similar environment, but everything works fine on mine. There seems to be an issue when MSBuild tries to load the project (attached screenshot). We use the same version of MSBuild in Rider, both installed the latest .NET SDK. Both versions of SonarLint and Rider (Rider 2022.2) are identical. We can successfully connect to our SonarCloud account. Any help would be greatly appreciated :pray:

Hi @sebastieng,

This wiki page documents some known issues and limitations when using Rider, including some manual configuration steps.

Could you check the configuration is the same both machines please?

Also, could you provide verbose logs (as described in the link at the end of the document)?
