Error in SonarLint for IntelliJ on windows 11 C#


  • Java: JetBrains s.r.o.
  • OS: Windows 11 amd64
  • IDE: JetBrains Rider 2021.3.4
  • SonarLint:

While wating for pre commit checks of sonarlint to finish, the following error occurfred. Commit contained c# code.

com.jetbrains.rdclient.util.BackendException: Language MSBUILD_BUILD_SCRIPT is not found among Psi languages

--- EXCEPTION #1/2 [InvalidOperationException]
Message = “Language MSBUILD_BUILD_SCRIPT is not found among Psi languages”
ExceptionPath = Root.InnerException
ClassName = System.InvalidOperationException
Data.ThreadLocalDebugInfo = “
  property `[1].solutionLifecycle.fullStartupFinished` (17233277815749940186)
   -> map `[1].documentsOperationModel.documents` (14314735552276044795)
   -> RdDispatcher::FlushAll
Source = Rider.Backend
StackTraceString = “
  at JetBrains.Rider.Backend.Features.Documents.SandboxDocumentsHelper.GetPsiLanguage(SandboxInfo sandboxInfo)
     at JetBrains.Rider.Backend.Features.Documents.SandboxDocumentsHelper.InitByCloning(RdDocumentId documentId, IDocumentViewModel documentModel, RiderDocument sandboxDocument, DocumentHostBase documentHost, SandboxInfo sandboxInfo, RdDocumentId cloneFrom)
     at JetBrains.Rider.Backend.Features.Documents.SandboxDocumentsHelper.<>c__DisplayClass14_0.<InitSandboxDocumentInternal>g__InitSandboxContext|1()

Hi @tsukasa

I don’t see anything related to SonarLint in the stacktrace. Could it be a coincidence? Do you reproduce the problem consistently? Does it reproduce if SonarLint is not installed?