MISRA-C:2012 Mandatory rule 13.6 not supported

The mandatory rule 13.6 of the MISRA-C:2012 should be supported:
The operand of the sizeof operator shall not contain any expression which has potential side effects

Example 1:

volatile int32_t i;
int32_t j;
size_t s;
s = sizeof ( j ); /* Compliant /
s = sizeof ( j++ ); /
Non-compliant /
s = sizeof ( i ); /
Compliant - exception /
s = sizeof ( int32_t ); /
Compliant */

Example 2:

volatile uint32_t v;
void f ( int32_t n )
size_t s;
s = sizeof ( int32_t[ n ] ); /* Compliant /
s = sizeof ( int32_t[ n++ ] ); /
Non-compliant */
s = sizeof ( void ( [ n ] ) ( int32_t a[ v ] ) ); / Non-compliant */

We don’t support all MISRA C rules, but we happen to support this one: https://rules.sonarsource.com/cpp/RSPEC-922

I know the complete list, because i have checked all the rules which exist actually.

But i think that all mandatory rules shall be support, that is a must from my side.

Thats why i suggest this as a new feature/new rule.

Sorry, but I don’t understand why you suggest as a new rule a rule that already exists.