For the second statement, it seems like the token you are using does not have permission to execute that action. Can you verify if the following user has access to see this project in SQ?
The response you are getting doesn’t look like the one you would get from the SonarQube; it looks like another component in front of your instance. Could you confirm if your SonarQube instance is behind a reverse proxy? If yes, are there any rules applied to it which could intercept 404 errors?
As an additional check, could you execute the following curl and share the results (please replace only SONARQUBE-URL, TOKEN and PROJECT-ID)?
But this was there before, and the SonarQube server (previously on version worked before the update to 10.7 perfectly, also the “Measures” tab.
We are having in total three independent SonarQube servers running, all are configured in the same way, all were running perfect, and all are now updated to and showing the same issue with the “Measures” tab.
Regarding the curl command, I am getting the following output:
Ok, the configuration looks really simple so I don’t think it is reverse proxy causing issues.
Can you execute the curl command with exactly the same parameters as the UI using the valid User Token and share results? It is very important that all parameters are exactly the same as the UI is passing. Without this information, it is hard to say what is wrong with your instance, as the response you are sharing is just generic 404.