Make Sonarlint connection persistent

  • Operating system:
    Windows 11
  • SonarLint plugin version:
  • Programming language you’re coding in:
  • Is connected mode used:
    • Connected to SonarCloud or SonarQube (and which version):
      SonarQube Developer Edition Version 10.0 (build 68432)

And a thorough description of the problem / question:
Everytime we open a project we get the message:

SonarQube request failed: Invalid credentials
Checking for unbound projects.
Error loading server settings. Analysis settings from the server (e.g. inclusions/exclusions) will not be applied in the IDE. Error: No file was found under ‘…Components.sonarlint\sonar.settings.json’
Some binding configuration is missing. Please rebind the solution.

Is there an example of sonar.settings.json to fix this?


SonarLint can’t authenticate when connecting to the server so it can’t pull down the necessary configuration data.

There are a couple of ways you could fix this:

  1. create a new dummy VS solution and bind that to the same Sonar server project. That should cause SLVS to re-prompt for credentials which it will then store in the Windows Credential Manager.

  2. directly update the user name / password in the Windows Credential Manager. If the user has bound to a Sonar project before then there a Generic Credential in the form “SonarLint.VisuualStudio.Integartion:[Server URL]” e.g.

FYI we have a ticket to track this issue - #SLVS-2845