License information, project URL, and so on for marker artifact POM

The code artifact of the Gradle plugin has the proper POM fields set, so that for example tools like GitHub - jk1/Gradle-License-Report: A plugin for generating reports about the licenses of third party software using Gradle can work properly.
But on the marker artifact’s POM these info are missing.
Please set them on all publications, not only on the code artifact publication.

Hey there.

Help me out here – can you link to a POM where these are missing, and a POM where they aren’t?




You here set the values only on the pluginMaven publication: sonar-scanner-gradle/build.gradle.kts at master · SonarSource/sonar-scanner-gradle · GitHub
But you need to set it on all publications the java-gradle-plugin is creating for you. Even the pluginMaven would be created for you if you did not have created it manually. If you do the common things in a publications.withType<MavenPublication>().configureEach { ... } I think it should already be sufficient.

Thanks. I’ll pass it along to the maintainers and they’ll come back to you.

Ah, well, I was right :slight_smile:

We’ll see. My other two PRs are waiting since 10 days without any reaction. :slight_smile:

Hello @Vampire,

Thank you for reporting these issues and opening the pull requests. It’s very much appreciated!

Lately, the team has focused on other projects, and the sonar-scanner-gradle has received less focus; I apologize for the delay. I’ve created [SCANGRADLE-156] - Jira. The proposed changes will be reviewed and merged in the next development iteration.


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