Last analysis failed** Analysis ID "AZJT3HfE3Kp7YHY0G4Iu"

The last analysis has failed. If it keeps on failing after several attempts, please contact us on Community forum and provide the following failing analysis ID: “AZJT3HfE3Kp7YHY0G4Iu”.

The time is around Oct 3 12:30PM PDT


Hi @aquanow-jeffen

The error is caused by a misconfiguration on your side:

ERROR: Invalid value of sonar.tests for yourprojectkey
ERROR: Error during SonarScanner execution
ERROR: Wildcards ** and * are not supported in "sonar.sources" and "sonar.tests" properties. "sonar.sources" and "sonar.tests" properties support only comma separated list of directories. Use "sonar.exclusions/sonar.inclusions" and "sonar.test.exclusions/sonar.test.inclusions" to further filter files in "sonar.sources" and "sonar.tests" respectively. Please refer to SonarCloud documentation for more details.

Please fix the sonar.tests property and it should work.
