Java issue- WARNING: An illegal reflective access operation has occurred

Running a SonarCloud code analysis through Azure DevOps results in some unpleasant errors when using openjdk-11 (Java 10.0.2):

WARNING: An illegal reflective access operation has occurred
WARNING: Illegal reflective access by (file:/opt/vsts-agent/.sonar/cache/e62315a34b56db679102b0a9639a11d9/sonar-scanner-engine-shaded-developer- to field java.nio.Buffer.address
WARNING: Please consider reporting this to the maintainers of
WARNING: Use --illegal-access=warn to enable warnings of further illegal reflective access operations
WARNING: All illegal access operations will be denied in a future release

The analysis process works as intended, but the errors are alarming to viewers.

Using Azul Java 1.8.0_202 does not alarm to those deprecated operations, but is unfortunately not an option for us.

Any guidance as to the recommended JDK for code analysis through a CI tool?


this is expected. We are using protobuf and there is no solution available for the time being (see here )

You can safely use Java 11 and ignore these warnings. Once there is newer version of protobuf we will upgrade to it.

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Is there any movement with this or is there a way to disable it a im currently using java11 and im getting the same issue?

I’m still seeing this issue with Java11, Sonar 7.9.1, and SonarC# 7.15. However, it appears protobuf might have this issue fixed based on the github link above?

It was fixed in protobuf. Can you upgrade your dependencies now?

Reviving topic, because the protobuf fix hasn’t reached sonar-maven-plugin:
Apparently this was fixed in Protocol Buffers v3.7.0 released 28 Feb 2019
The issue was tracked as issue #3781

Hey @robert

Are you using SonarQube (if so, what version?) or SonarCloud? What exactly are you seeing in the logs? Such warnings should have been suppressed by now.

I am using sonar-maven-plugin: with jdk-

I have a maven project with a pom.xml that sets the properties


If I run
mvn org.sonarsource.scanner.maven:sonar-maven-plugin:
on this, it works, but I see some WARNINGS on stderr:

[INFO] Executing post-job 'Forbidden Configuration Breaker'
[INFO] Executing post-job 'Quality Gate Breaker'
[INFO] Waiting for report processing to complete...
WARNING: An illegal reflective access operation has occurred
WARNING: Illegal reflective access by (file:/C:/Users/Foobar/.sonar/cache/7e63d042b87426eb4623b4e172f5f812/sonar-buildbreaker-plugin.jar_unzip/META-INF/lib/protobuf-java-3.5.1.jar) to field java.nio.Buffer.address
WARNING: Please consider reporting this to the maintainers of
WARNING: Use --illegal-access=warn to enable warnings of further illegal reflective access operations
WARNING: All illegal access operations will be denied in a future release
[INFO] Quality gate status: ERROR
[ERROR] Coverage on New Code: 0.0 < 80
[ERROR] [BUILD BREAKER] Project did not meet 1 conditions