Integration between SonarQube and Azure DevOps gives us timeout error

Hi All,

We created our server (Virtual Machine) to install SonarQube and we configured everything. this works well - The version we installed: Developer Edition Version 9.1 - subscribed one month ago
while integrating with Azure DevOps service (Cloud) latest version . we are getting the below error message:

##[error][SQ] API GET ‘/api/server/version’ failed, error was: {“code”:“ETIMEDOUT”,“errno”:“ETIMEDOUT”,“syscall”:“connect”,“address”:"****",“port”:443}

See the screenshot below

even though I can access this API from my browser on our private network, see below


I saw a response on the community forum:

“The reason for this error is that your SonarQube server has to be “visible” from Azure DevOps services, it must have a public API address to be reached.”

So the technical support in our company made our SonarQube server to have a public IP for only the whitelist of IPs for Azure DevOps services in the United States. Those IPs are provided by Microsoft.

Here is the link: allow-list-ip-url

Can you help me if there is anything missing?