Incorrect information in payload delived by webhook

I have installed a webhook via the API and have received an event. I was unable to find a proper specification (e.g. a data schema) of the values to be expected but the payload seems to contain all of the information of the example payload at: Webhooks | SonarCloud

In addition to the properties of the example, the payload also contains a property called “branch”:

"branch": {
  "url":"[my project's key]&pullRequest=20"

Unfortunately, the branch’s name is wrong. It seems to be a stringified version of the pull request’s number but I’m not sure. In any case, there is no branch whose name is “20” in my repository, so I want to report this bug.

It would be really nice to actually get the branch’s name so I don’t need to integrate with github in order to figure out the name of the branch based on the stringified version of the PR’s number, all while hoping that this undocumented behavior of the webhook will continue.


For the analysis this payload relates to, what was being analyzed? A branch or a PR?
