Importing policies from HCL appscan to SonarQube server

I’m using SonarQube Server version 7.0. I’m trying to import the external rules/policies in to the server but, i’m unable to find the suitable options to do so. Could anyone please guide me on the same?


Welcome to the community!

I’m not familiar with HCL appscan, but you may find External Issues useful.


Hi Ann, Thanks for your reply. Rather than importing the issues from an external tool. I’m trying to import the rules from an external tool into SonarQube server.


For that you’ll need to write a plugin. The docs can help you get started. Additionally, there are probably a number of open source plugins that do something like what you’re after, so they can be good guides.

When you have specific development questions, feel free to open new threads in the Plugin Development category.
