We are actually considering purchasing Developer Edition but for now we want to see what Community Edition is capable of. So referring to my last comment:
So, is there any way that SonarQube can display the results of the cppcheck .xml or .html report in the Community version?
How would I have to configure the .properties file to display these results or what would I be missing to configure?
So I have an empty repository where I only have a report.txt containing the example shown in:
I haven’t even created a “sonar-project.properties”, I just want SonarQube to be able to show the results of “report.txt” in its interface.
I am launching this command: sonar-scanner -Dsonar.projectKey=EMPTY_PRO -Dsonar.host.url=http://localhost:9000 -Dsonar.login=2f7e5202b2f94dcdc2cf4df3a8d7572e611d2c95 **-Dsonar.externalIssuesReportPaths=report.txt**
Although in the SonarQube interface, the project I created “EMPTY_PRO” is executed, it does not show the results of the report.txt.
What is the way to be able to import reports to SonarQube?
If I have to launch some command or I have to configure a sonar.properties (I just want to show in the interface some results), I would appreciate if you could give me more details.
Where do expect the issues to be reported if you have no files in your project? The generic report sample in the docs, reports issues on files. No file, no issues.
I suggest you analyze an actual project and craft a generic issues report that reports issues on lines in its files.
I think we are not understanding each other or maybe it is me who is not trying well. What I want is:
1. Using cppcheck I create the report (.xml) of a .cpp file with MISRA rules. 2. I created a project where my sonar-project.properties and my .cpp file (Descriptions.cpp) are located. 3. I have modified my .xml to “Generic issue import format” and now I have GenericFormat.xml which contains:
Yes now I am able to import files to SonarQube, I think my problem is solved.
I don´t know if you have any other suggestion to improve my environment, what I try to do is to show the free options of SonarQube to my colleagues in order to be able to pay for the Development version in my company.