I am looking to make a new SonarQube plugin for the XQuery language. The current plugin is out of date and I cannot get it to compile, so I am planning to start from scratch. I already have and Antlr4 grammar and lexer at https://github.com/lcahlander/xqdoc. I would appreciate any tutorials for creating a Sonar plugin. I found the following link https://docs.sonarqube.org/display/DEV/Supporting+New+Languages, but I think that I need a tutorial or even a class maybe.
Any help that people can give me would be appreciated.
Open source analyser plugins provided by SonarSource do not parse using Antlr but the SonarSource’s sslr library. But it’s not because you use a different parser library that you could not take example on those analyzers. If you can convert a source file to an AST with location (line, column) and preferably it’s visitor, it should be similar. This is SonarSource open source analyzers repositories by language: xml, html, (kotlin/ruby/scala), go, css, TypeScript, python, flex, php, C#, Java, Javascript
did you develop the plugin, i am looking for the same, pls do share if it is developed already. plugin for xq analysis. i would like to contribute as well. do let me know if any help needed.