How does Sonar recognize company email?

I have requested multiple times for a SonarQube developer edition license from last Friday to today with my company email, but I receive NOTHING until now.

I tried to contact you on web page, I filled my personal email in the message, or send email directly to, but I still didn’t receive any replies of sonar.

I have wasted most of my time on that, does Sonar company still running? Could you tell me how I can get trial license or just purchase it?


Yes SonarSource is most definitely running and operating. :slight_smile: I believe you’ve done appropriate steps to obtain an on-prem license. If you’ve submitted on Friday then it’s possible the delay is simply due to the week-end in between then and now, and I’m confident you’ll get a quick follow-up from our teams.

Two side-notes:

  • you’re free to check-out SonarCloud if you want to get a feeling of analysis capabilities already
  • we do have plans to make the Developer Edition evaluation/purchase experience smoother this year, so your feedback here is being received!