How can accepted issues be shared between branches?

Prior to a software release, we went through all our open issues on a release branch and marked many as ‘accepted’ because they related to third-party code that we have no intention to modify.

Is there any way that these ‘accepted’ issues can be brought across to other branches? Presumably the normal model is that ‘accepted’ issues are transferred between branches by pull requests (?) We don’t have any intention to make a pull request from our release branch back to the development or master branch, but the analysis of these issues is still valid.

Applies to SonarQube Cloud (Enterprise edition)
Project type: C/C++
ALM: Bitbucket Cloud
CI: Bitbucket Pipeline

Thanks in advance,

Hi Dave,

Welcome to the community!

Unfortunately, issues are only synched between long-lived branches at branch creation.


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Thanks for the reply!

This makes sense - whilst our release branches are defined as ‘long-lived’, that wasn’t the case when they were created.

I guess that means that the ‘right place’ to accept issues is on the main development branch.

Thanks again for the pointer,

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