Help to work with SSLR Toolkit

Please i need help, i need to write a custom rules for PL/SQL, but i dont have idea how to start, i download a JAR slr-plsql-toolkit- But i need the next steps for convert code PLSQL to AST and write the XPATH.

Anyone have a project to do that.

Thanks for help me.


Did you read the documentation on writing XPath-based custom rules?
The toolkit is an application you have to run: it allows you to check the AST for a given piece of code.

Yes thanks i read that link and run application, My problem now is write code in XPATH because sonar dont evaluate my new rule. in application evaluete correctly but in sonar dont works.


What doesn’t “work”? What do you see?
As mentioned in the documentation:

  • Did you activate the rule in a quality profile?
  • Did you assign your project to that quality profile?
  • Did you re-run an analysis of your project?