Gradle plugin uses deprecated APIs


I’m preparing the Micronaut Build plugins for the upcoming Gradle 9 release (expected end of this year/beginning of 2025) and as part of this, making sure to upgrade plugins we use internally. While most issues are fixed, we are seeing numerous deprecation warnings, a number of them coming from the Sonar plugin:

You can see a report of deprecated API usages here: Build Scan® | Develocity

May I ask your plans in removing use of deprecated APIs or behaviors, so that I plan accordingly?


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Can you confirm that you’re using the latest version of the SonarScanner for Gradle?


Sorry about this, realized I’m using : Build Scan® | Develocity, not the 5.x line!

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My previous post was marked as spam, but I can confirm I still get the same deprecations on latest plugin release. Unfortunately I can’t post links to scans anymore, so if you need them let me know how to share.


Yeah, I have no idea why the spaminator suddenly went crazy on you, but I cleared all the flags. Sorry about that.

Can you not post links because they don’t exist anymore, or because of limits here in the Community?


Community says I can’t send links anymore

@melix @ganncamp It is in our backlog: [SCANGRADLE-135] - Jira

Due to the LTS, we needed to keep compatibility with earlier Gradle versions, and Gradle 9 wasn’t ready, so the change was postponed.

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Do you plan to release a version which doesn’t have deprecation warnings soon?


Our next LTA is expected in January, releasing us from this backward-compatibility need. So I would look for the new scanner version after that.

