GitHub: You can't sign up because login 'username' is already used by an existing user

Hello all,

Do you have any solution for the problem? I have this problem and couldn’t have access to my account.

my login(account) is ‘bardiaalavi-2020’

Hello all,
I am also facing similar issue. Please help me resolve this.
User Id : bipinrathod-gep

Hello @Marcin_Majewski,

Do you have any solution for this problem?


I am also having this issue and any help would be greatly appreciated.
User Id : mcierkowski

Hi, I have the same issue, GitHub user giuliana-bezerra.

Hi, i have the same issue but i login via azure devops. My user is “”.

Hi, got the same problem here: “You can’t sign up because login ‘Lodewijck’ is already used by an existing user.” I’m trying to sign up using my Bitbucket account. Could someone help me?

Hey @Lodewijck_Vogelzang

Can you please create a new thread? At this point, it’s not sustainable for us to regularly check this old thread. I will lock this thread.