GitHub vs SonarCloud Status Check Not Being Reported

Hello Marcus.

I’ve been investigating your issue a lot in the past few days.

And with your last message we were able to build some possible scenarios where this could happen. I’m not sure if this is the case of these PRs you sent me, though.

One scenario that could trigger that is a PR with 2 commits. During the Analysis of the last commit, you squash locally and force push the branch. In theory, the analysis of the last commit (which doesn’t exist anymore) should be stopped. If this doesn’t happen, this issue might happen. Do you know if this might happen in the lifecycle of your branches?

We also found a thread where a user experiences the same issue: SonarCloud+GitHub=No PR check - #22 by PavelA85

Check the solution for the thread. Is your pipeline using the same technique to get the revision to be analysed?

I think we are very close to find out what’s going on. For now I will unassign this thread, and if you still have issues after applying the recommendation, feel free to ping here again.
