Getting Unexpected unknown at-rule “@forward” in scss files

Please provide

  • Operating system: OSX
  • Programming language you’re coding in: Reactjs
  • Is connected mode used: no
    • Connected to SonarCloud or SonarQube (and which version):8.9.9

And a thorough description of the problem / question: Getting Unexpected unknown at-rule “@ forward” in scss files


What’s your version of SonarLint?


Hi Ann,
thanks for response, I am not sure If its the correct answer to your question but I found this:

  • Data Center Edition
  • Version 8.9.9


Since you’re not in connected mode, I’m looking for the version of the SonarLint extension in VSCode. It will let me know whether you’re using the latest implementation of the rule or not. Looks like you need to List installed extensions to get the version(?).


Not using sonarLint on VSCode, its sonarQube server.


I’m confused. You’re seeing this false positive not in SonarLint for VSCode (the category you filed this in) but in SonarQube v8.9.9?

If so, please upgrade to the current LTS, SonarQube 9.9, and see if this is still replicable.


Okay, thanks Ann, sorry for confusion, let me try to upgrade SonarQube.