FP when prepared statement is indirectly initialized

  • SonarQube * Developer Edition * Version 7.9.3 (build 33349)
private final String sqlCount = "NAME_OF_SQL";
// ...
PreparedStatement stmt = null;
try {
  conn = getConnection();
  baseRequest = getSqlByRessourceId(sqlCount);
  stmt = conn.prepareStatement(baseRequest);
  stmt.setInt(1, delai); // issue here
  // ...

At this last line, we have this rule : "PreparedStatement" and "ResultSet" methods should be called with valid indices
Rule is looking for a parameter but can’t find it because it’s loaded from a file.

It seems similar from SONARJAVA-2036 but I still get the issue.

Kind regards,

Do you need any more information to take into account to what it seems a false positive ?

Hello @Deuskull,

I know it’s a late reaction, but as we say, better late than never.

I’m afraid your post did not get a lot of attention probably because it seems to me that it is working fine both on SonarQube Version 7.9.3 and in the latest version 8.6.
I tried with this sample code inspired by yours:

  void f(Connection connection) {
    PreparedStatement stmt = null;
    String baseRequest = null;
    try {
      baseRequest = getSqlByRessourceId(sqlCount);
      stmt = connection.prepareStatement(baseRequest);
      stmt.setInt(1, 123); // No issue!!!
    } catch (Exception e) {


  String getSqlByRessourceId(String s) {
    return s + "something";

If you still face a similar issue in the latest version, feel free to get back to us with additional information you may have gathered in between.


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