Filter by changed severity

  • SQ Server Community 25.3, also Developer Edition 2025.1.1
  • Docker deployment

I’m going to better understand the Multi-Quality Rule mode.
Here, I can change the severity of rules.
How can I identify rules which has changed the severity for a specific Quality Profile? I guess, in earlier versions there was filter type for “Default Severity” or similar.
Could you please add a filter option to identify rules with Severity different from the recommended Severity?

Side note: MQR mode is intended to configure different severities for different software qualities, correct? So far I did not find any rule which has multiple software qualities assigned. How to identify them?


Sorry, but there’s never been a filter for default severity.

I don’t think there’s a good way to accomplish what you’re after. For rules included in the default, Sonar way, profile you can compare the severity in Sonar way versus in your custom profile. For rules not in Sonar way, I think the only thing you can do here is to act like you’re going to add them to a profile and see what default is pre-selected in the modal.

That’s via the UI. It might get easier with the api/rules/search API which looks like it returns the default severity if your query string doesn’t specify a profile.

I think I can guess, but would you mind sharing why you need this?

I’m not aware of any off-hand. :frowning:


Above I asked for filter because I thought that there was such option in the past.
Anyway, I just want to identify, visualize, etc. all changes from your defaults.

How can help with that?



I believe this has been a question of priorities and not having time to noodle on it. So, probably the best thing to do would be to create threads here for each rule (group of rules?) where you think an additional Software Quality should be added (and obvs what that would be :joy:).



Then you misunderstood my question.
I understand, that you created the idea to have multiple qualities per rule. The UI allows to select different severity by “quality”. But, I did not find any rule where this feature is used.
Further I do not have an idea how I should think about or even more how to use it.
But, first lets focus on the the core question: How to identify rules with changed severity.


It’s going to be painfully manual, as I described above.
