Created a new branch.
Added small amount of new code.
Provided excessive amount of tests, like twice for every line of new code.
Sonar is failing with “Coverage new code 0%, required 80%”.
Tried to re-build multiple times.
Created a different NEW branch. Manually moved new code and new tests from previous into the new branch. So for Sonar this a a one shot brand new story.
Tried to rebuild this new branch. Exactly the same failure. 0% coverage.
See picture.
Any suggestion?
Thanks a lot.
Welcome to the community!
Maybe this is a stupid question, but you are generating a coverage report and feeding it into analysis, right?
I know very little about this process. The first time I am facing Sonar.
Sonar version 8.8.0
Output from Azure build
2022-01-21T21:31:45.9608595Z ========================== Starting Command Output ===========================
2022-01-21T21:31:45.9629404Z [command]/usr/bin/bash --noprofile --norc XYZ/_temp/
2022-01-21T21:31:45.9683629Z (node:66052) Warning: Use Cipheriv for counter mode of aes-256-ctr
2022-01-21T21:31:45.9692123Z QG Script → Using SonarQube instance
2022-01-21T21:31:45.9753169Z QG Script → Using task id of AX5-i_HPbexesbE9y0sF
2022-01-21T21:31:46.2194003Z QG Script → Status of SonarQube task is SUCCESS
2022-01-21T21:31:51.4635017Z QG Script → Using analysis id of AX5-jCVcC3ApsBGx_43V
2022-01-21T21:31:51.6972772Z QG Script → Quality Gate status is ERROR
2022-01-21T21:31:51.7003744Z ##[error]SonarQube Quality Gate has FAILED! For more details check on SonarQube. The pipeline will continue to run with this warning.
2022-01-21T21:31:51.7054546Z ##[section]Finishing: Checking Quality Gate
SonarQube doesn’t run your coverage for you; it only reflects the coverage reports you feed into analysis. So first, you’ll need to make sure you’re running your tests and generating a coverage report. The details of that will vary by language and actually generating the report is outside the scope of this community. But the docs will help with the import.