Failed to execute goal org.sonarsource.scanner.maven:sonar-maven-plugin: (default-cli) on project Neptune: Fail to request

We have jenkins and sonarqube servers. They are installed on individual servers. When developers try to build from jenkins server. They are observing below exception in build condole output.
[ERROR] Failed to execute goal org.sonarsource.scanner.maven:sonar-maven-plugin: (default-cli) on project Neptune: Fail to request http://host:9000/api/ce/submit?projectKey=com.neptune.unsub:Neptune&projectName=Neptune: timeout: Socket closed → [Help 1]
Please let us know what could the cause to this

Please find the version details below
Jenkins-> 2.187
sonarqube → 6.7.1 (build 35068)

Please let us know update

Hello U Prasanth Reddy,

Welcome to the community. First, I should mention that you should look at upgrading to our newest SonarQube 8.9 LTS Get details & download here. Get help with your upgrade here.

The timeout error you are describing can often be caused by an overwhelmed server or network connection between your Jenkins and SonarQube servers.

The first thing to try should be to increase the timeout. You can do that with the analysis parameter, read more about that here

If that does not work, please consider upgrading to the newest SonarQube 8.9 LTS.


where i need to keep this Could you please provide the config file and line number to configure it.

Please take a closer look at the documentation for analysis parameters. You have multiple options for how to set these options.

Project analysis settings can be configured in multiple places. Here is the hierarchy:

  • Global properties, defined in the UI, apply to all projects (From the top bar, go to Administration > Configuration > General Settings )
  • Project properties, defined in the UI, override global property values (At a project level, go to Project Settings > General Settings )
  • Project analysis parameters, defined in a project analysis configuration file or scanner configuration file, override the ones defined in the UI
  • Analysis / Command line parameters, defined when launching an analysis (with -D on the command line), override project analysis parameters
