Extend the projectKey to more than 63 characters


Is there a way to extend the projectKey value to more than 63 characters ?

All sonarqube analysis are made from gitlab CI pipeline so we use the variable CI_PROJECT_PATH_SLUG to generate the key.


The path is important for us because it helps us to map the access rights between gitlab and sonarqube using permission template.

The gitlab path is made like this :

<root>/<business unit>/<subgroup>/<project>/<other sub group sometimes>

We have one sonarqube user group per <root>/<business unit>/<subgroup> with the good permissions template associated.

The problem is that for some project we get a duplicate key for multiple projects because the name was truncated because of the 63 characters limit.

We are actually using sonarqube 9.X.

Thanks for your help/advice

Hello @GuillaumeDS ,

Welcome to SonarSource Community! :sonarsource:

That 63 character limit on CI_COMMIT_REF_SLUG is from GitLab (as shown here), not SonarQube. In fact, there are some GitLab tickets that want to reduce that character limit, see Gitlab CI: Truncate variable names in the environment section (#24659) · Issues · GitLab.org / GitLab · GitLab.

SonarQube has a 400 character limit on project key:

Please create a GitLab issue for this suggestion for extending the CI_COMMIT_REF_SLUG character limit, if that is what you desire.


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Thanks for your reply, in fact I was talking about CI_PROJECT_PATH_SLUG not CI_COMMIT_REF_SLUG .

But both are limited to 63 characters, even if it’s not show in gitlab documentation.

Thanks for your help

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Oops my mistake, thanks for the correction.

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