Hi, I want to exclude a couple of files from the SonarCloud analysis as they are generated from protobufs and are immutable while containing a lot of code smells. At first I decided to create a sonar-project.properties file in which to specify the exclusions but the following answer made me think that was an outdated approach. I tried following the steps to reach the UI screen that controls exclusions but in my project under “Administration” I only have “Quality Gate” and “Quality Profiles”
It seems you have Administer Quality Profiles and Administer Quality Gates permission at an organization-level, but don’t have Administer permission on this specifc project.
I think it would make sense for you to ask your organization admin, or a project administrator, about permissions on this project.
Once you have the right permissions, you can set exclusions through the UI. For what it’s worth, I think everyone has a different opinion on which is better – storing the configuration in the repo version controlled, or setting it in the UI.