Error converting value "common-c:DuplicatedBlocks" to type 'System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`

I’m using sonarlint extension in visual studio to analyze my C project locally, and i have defined rules set in settings.json . Rules set which are having numbers in it are analyzed properly, but rules which have string in it (ex:“common-c:DuplicatedBlocks”) is giving error like

Error message: Error converting value “common-c:DuplicatedBlocks” to type ‘System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[System.String,SonarLint.VisualStudio.Core.RuleConfig]’. Path ‘[‘sonarlint.rules’]’, line 3, position 30.
Default settings will be used

How to fix this error


What are your Visual Studio and SonarLint versions?



That error was caused by json format in settings.json file and it got solved

I’m using Sonarlint version: in visual studio 2019 professional edition, C rules which are having string in it or not considered as issue while analysing even though it’s mentioned in settings.json file

What configuration change do I need to make ,in order to consider all sonarqube rules in sonarlint analysis


You’ll need to:

  • set up a SonarQube/SonarCloud Quality Profile which includes all rules
  • apply that profile to your project
  • connect SonarLint to your project in SonarQube/SonarCloud.



I have made a sonarqube server setup also.
Even with that connection not all the issues which are reported by sonarqube are appearing in visual studio
Only limited issues are reported with sonarlint


The FAQ should help.


Hi Ann,

Thanks for the input
In FAQ it’s mentioned that rules starting with common won’t be considered as issue, but other rules like c:CommentedCode, c:PPUndefUsage and c:SwitchWithoutDefault are also not getting reported by sonarlint


Yes, that’s in the FAQ. Sorry I flubbed the link before. It’s here: Frequently asked questions


Thanks Ann, i referred the FAQ section there it’s mentioned few rules will not be supported by sonarlint
Is there any alternative way to get all the sonarqube issues locally apart from using sonarlint?


SonarLint is your best bet.


Hi Ann

Is there any possible way to run sonar scanner in our local pc , where already sonarqube quality profile rule set is exported and present in the form of XML file.
Thereby getting the issues occurred locally without publishing into sonarqube


Hi Divya,

Sorry, SonarLint is all I have for you.


Hi Ann,

By mentioning any flag in sonar properties file, is there any way to do all the sonar analysis without publishing the report to SonarQube dashboard.

Thanks Divya

Hi Divya,

No. SonarLint is the closest you’re going to get to a ‘local’ SonarQube analysis.


Hi Ann,

Thanks for the support

  1. I’m using sonarlint and connected to my sonarqube project. Now Sonarlint has identified an issue (C:S125), same is reported by sonarQube with rule(c:CommentedCode) → Why the rule name got changed
  2. The rule C:S125 is not present in the quality profile which i selected for my project → Then how this rule is identified by sonarlint

Thanks ,

Hi Divya,

When we first started implementing rules, we gave them names. After a while we realized that wouldn’t be sustainable & started using numbers. Eventually we went back & renamed the old ones to their numbers.

That means that C:CommentedCode and C:S125 are the same thing. I’m not sure why the ID would show up differently. But if you want to pursue that I need to ask you to create a new thread.


Hi Ann,

Thanks for the information

Is there any document available which has these kind of mapping?and how create a new thread

I observed certain rules including C:S125 it’s showing as a issue in one .c file and not showing in the other, any particular reason for that behaviour?


Hi Divya,


The “New Topic” button on the front page.

That needs a new thread too.


Sorry Ann
I didn’t get your point, you mean to say for further discussion on this topic I need to create a new post and then asks questions?

Hi Divya,

This thread is about

For other topics, you need to create new threads.
