Download reports as PDF

Is it possible to download the Sonar analysis as a PDF report? Our customers are asking for such a report


Welcome to the community!

I suspect you’re looking for the “Regulatory” report that will be added in SonarQube 9.5 (E.T.A. 6 June) in Enterprise Edition($$)


Hi @prashantevolvus

My team is considering using the bitegarden plugin/CLI tool to generate such reports. It’s available for SonarQube as well as for SonarCloud, so either way you should be able to generate PDF reports. I’ve not generated reports with SonarQube, so I can’t say how Bitegarden’s reports compare.

That being said, Bitegarden offers a 14-day trial, so you can test the tool out if you’d like. One weakness we found was that external warning descriptions are not processed the same way as Sonar descriptions. Otherwise, generally the report is very informative.



Thank you for the response. We use SonarCloud. I would have thought SonarCloud would provide this as feature. I will meanwhilte try bitegarden.

Thank you once again.

Thank you for the response. Will this also be available for SonarCloud?


Hi @prashantevolvus
Reporting isn’t an actual functionality of SonarCloud.
You can find reports only starting in Enterprise Edition, in SonarQube.


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