Do you support Python 3.10?

We use python 3.10 in our project, and we have this line in our

Im getting this warning message (via GitHub actions):
WARN: Error while parsing value of parameter 'sonar.python.version' (3.10). Versions must be specified as MAJOR_VERSION.MIN.VERSION (e.g. "3.7, 3.8")

Hello @Akuka
Welcome to our community.

We don’t support Python 3.10 yet, however we started working on it last Monday (see our feature specification here).
You could expect to have Python 3.10 supported on SonarCloud in around 2-3 weeks.

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Hello @Akuka ,
This is to confirm you that SonarCloud Python analyzer now supports Python 3.10
Don’t hesitate to give us feedback :slight_smile:

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